Christine Kinuka Receives a Tank!

Christine, of the Aka Ma Uiini women’s group, has six children and four grandchildren. She was able to escape an abusive marriage, and moved away with her children, which is especially difficult for women in rural Kenya. Christine's husband was an alcoholic and violent. To avoid his constant abuse, she and her children often fled their home and slept outside. 

Christine’s parents advised her to divorce her husband and helped her and the children find a place to live. Living in a very rural area, she was isolated and most often had to travel alone to fetch water. On one of her walks for water she was surrounded by hyenas. Fortunately, she was able to climb a tree and escape. Christine now walks for water with her neighbors, usually three hours a day, six days a week, to fetch water for her home. She is safer walking with others. 

Christine is 64 years old and walking for water has become increasingly difficult for her. She has arthritis, back problems, and high blood pressure. Sometimes she cannot walk, and her daughter walks instead. The water is collected from an earth dam and is dirty and disease ridden. The dam is also used by wild animals, dogs, and livestock. Buying clean water is simply unaffordable.

Christine says that receiving this tank will change her life. Using the clean water will improve her family's health. Christine is determined to keep contributing to the women’s group so that other members can receive tanks and feel as happy as she does. 
By Laura Milleville February 28, 2025
Kibwezi This area continues to be challenged by a lack of rain. Some groups have switched from table banking to merry go round. Beatrice prays for the next rainy season to bring enough water to fill the tanks. Kilome During their monthly meeting, Susan rallied the members of Kilome to be focused in their groups and as a cluster, to see beyond the present, and to have major goals for the future. She encouraged the women to envision better things for themselves and the community–for example, they can change their environment by planting trees. Susan has discovered that when the group members do casual labor, their husbands will demand the money they earned and then spend it on alcohol. Women need to hide their earnings so that they can use them for better purposes. Kisau This cluster is busy preparing for the Work Team in addition to their usual projects. Bendetta, the field worker, trained the groups on table banking and saving. The cluster continues to train on different agribusinesses, including dragonfruit, mushrooms, and azolla farming. Most members have been affected by the drought. The high cost of living is preventing members from paying their targets, children’s school fees, and getting enough food for regular meals. Kola The group members in Kola are trying hard to succeed at their Income Generating Activities. One group is selling avocadoes at a nearby market. Another group has borrowed a donkey, and is ferrying jerrycans of water to a school that is under construction. Two of the groups are doing casual labor on farms–carrying manure, harvesting beans, etc. One of the challenges confronting this cluster is that women have been selling their products on credit. Payments to them have been delayed, which is causing hardship. Annah has coached them on making sure they do cash transactions so they have funds available right away. Malili A Jenniffer, the field worker for Malili clusters, helps Regina by visiting some of the groups to check on their progress and offer assistance. The groups are hard at work on their income generating activities. Aka ma Uiini Women’s Group has two lorries of ballast ready to sell, and they have knit sweaters and sold them to schoolchildren. Kisuka Women’s Group was able to sell their crops (including beans and maize) at a good profit because so many crops failed this season. The groups are also honoring their commitment to community service. Aka ma Uvoo Museo Women’s Group each contributed money to buy school uniforms for a needy girl. In Kitooni Women’s Group, one of the members lost her sister. The group brought firewood and food to the member, pray with her, and offered comfort. Drought has been a serious challenge, with many crops failing. The group members have been saving the water in their tanks for drinking and are helping those in need with food. Malili B The groups in Malili B mostly make sisal ropes and ballast. One group is buying and reselling vegetables. Another group is doing casual labor working on nearby shambas and selling beads. A new group has joined Malili B. The name they chose is Mbukelye, which means “lift me up.” Women here are struggling due to the drought - they have little food, and there is not much water left in their tanks. While they have been using the water in their tanks for their gardens, Regina has recommended they reserve it just for drinking. Most members and their families are sick. Makueni Sue writes that they are facing famine and drought in most of the Ukambani. Agricultural projects are not doing well due to the drought. One group’s tree nursery has been decimated by the harsh conditions. Many of the groups are doing table banking and merry-go-round banking. During their committee meeting, the cluster planned out their schedule and goals for 2025. They committed to community service for needy families, will do a training on sisal farming, and will tour an agricultural trade fair. Mbooni While the groups are being affected by drought and illness, they continue to be innovative in the Income Generating Activities. In Neema Women’s Group, the members are selling clay pots. Some are also planting flowers in the pots and selling those. Tei wa Ngai Women’s Group has joined with other farmers to receive training on planting eggplants, which will be a healthy addition to family’s diets. Kyai Women’s Group has been making and selling uji power, which is a popular porridge made of arrowroot, cassava, peanuts, honey, and hot milk. Tulimani Drought is making life difficult in Tulimani. Wikililye Women’s Group has had to use water from their tanks for their vegetable farms because there has been so little rain. Some of the groups are doing well with catering and poultry keeping, while others are struggling to stay motivated and meet their goals. We are excited that Baraka Women’s Group will be graduating next month. This group joined PFP Kenya in 2013. Yandue This cluster is really coming along. Of Wise Women’s Group, Agnes says, “Women are enjoying selling boiled eggs, mandazis, and tea in schools and in markets. Women can do wonders.” Hope Women’s Group is making rings, necklaces, keyholders, and table mats using Masaii beads.
By Laura Milleville February 25, 2025
The Relief of Water
By Laura Milleville December 19, 2024
Microenterprises are an important tool in the fight against poverty, particularly for women in rural Kenya. These small-scale businesses, often started with minimal capital, provide a sustainable pathway out of poverty by offering economic independence and social empowerment. Each Path From Poverty women's group chooses which micro-enterprises make sense for their group based on their location, resources available, and skills they can learn or share. Here are three of the main income generating projects in the Ukambani region: Farming: Around 80% of Kenya's agricultural workforce is made up of women, who play a pivotal role in the country's agricultural production. Women in Path From Poverty are encouraged to have a shamba, or kitchen garden. This provides fresh food for their families and sometimes a surplus that can be sold. In order to conserve water, the women re-use what they can to water their gardens. For example, they will wash their dishes and then pour the dish water onto their plants. Women also do casual labor at neighboring farms - planting seeds, spreading manure, and harvesting crops. Basket Weaving: The Ukambani region is known for its baskets. Women weave baskets from sisal, baobab, yarn, and plastic bags. When women harvest sisal, they must strip the plant by hand to get the fibers for weaving. The sap of the sisal plant can cause skin irritation but the women endure this because weaving baskets and ropes is a vital way they earn income. Making Ballast: Breaking rocks into ballast, or gravel, for construction is back-breaking work. For many women in dire poverty, it’s one of the only accessible income generating projects, as it requires no capital. Women collect rocks, then break them into smaller rocks using a hammer or a rock. Even collecting the rocks can be dangerous, as venomous snakes can be hiding in the rocks. When the women smash the stones, they risk eye injuries from flying rock shards and hand injuries.
By Laura Milleville December 11, 2024
Changing seasons
By Laura Milleville December 11, 2024
"Our lives will change."
By Laura Milleville August 30, 2024
Kibwezi Group members in Kibwezi are working on making bricks, planting tree nurseries, and beekeeping. It is hard to succeed at these activities without adequate water. The water sources are far away, and Beatrice reports that the women are often confronted by wild and domestic animals like elephants. Kilome This month, the training was on a type of poultry called Uzima or Sasso chickens. They discussed the advantages of this breed, the costs, and how to prepare for keeping them. Susan says, “We had a wonderful time, and most members were very interested some immediately ordered for chicks.” Kisau Groups in Kisau are doing well and saving to purchase multiple tanks. They trained on vegetable farming and beekeeping. They visited a member with a successful farm to learn about tree nurseries. Older groups are mentoring newer members. Kola Groups are working on vegetable and tree nurseries and also doing table banking and merry-go-round banking. The cluster trained on body fitness such as walking and jogging. Annah asks for your support and well wishes so “that every woman conquers every challenge.” Malili A Regina says that the cluster is struggling with climate change, and the weather has been unseasonably cold. Aka ma Uiini Women’s Group made sweaters and sold them. Many group members and their families are suffering from illness and hunger. Malili B Group leaders are training on record keeping and how to encourage group participation. Groups are selling ballast for construction, making sisal ropes, and doing casual labor at neighboring farms. Makueni Women in Makueni are struggling due to the economic situation in Kenya and drought. The leaders are training their groups on how to plant drought resistant crops and starting income generating activities that require less water. Several groups received training on using wonderbags and fireless cookers to save fuel and be more time efficient. Mbooni Agnes’s leadership continues to help groups be creative with their income generating activities. Kwiiyumya Women’s Group is “selling avocados like hot cakes. They all carry buckets full of avocado and sell alongside the roads.” Other groups are making school bags for children, harvesting passion fruit and tree tomatoes, and selling firewood and charcoal to help people heat their homes during this cold season. Agnes started this month’s cluster training with a question: What makes some groups do better than others?” Her answer: spiritual leaders and members, commitment, team work, no gossip, being compassionate, good training before formation, and being transparent and accountable! Tulimani This month, the cluster received training on drug abuse among the youth so that they are able to speak to their children and hopefully prevent drug use. Women are anxiously waiting for the protests in Kenya to cease. The protests are disrupting markets and making it difficult for the group members to sell their ballast and other goods. Yandue This new cluster still faces challenges as many members are not educated and are learning to overcome selfishness and meet group expectations. Agnes notes that these are common challenges in new groups and trusts the women will overcome them. Groups have been successful in selling food items including porridge and ice cream. One group is collecting sand from a riverbed to sell and another group has pounded rocks into gravel and sold it for construction projects in Nairobi.
By Laura Milleville July 11, 2024
The flooding in Kenya has caused many challenges, but groups are coming together to support members who are struggling. Kibwezi The women in Kibwezi have been training on how to work “like bees in their gardens,” and their hard work is paying off. Women with tanks share water with the members who are still working toward their first tank. Kilome Many of the women in Kilome do casual labor, but there are few opportunities available now due to the economy. The groups are still pressing ahead, determined to purchase at least one tank. Kwambeu Women’s Group continues to support Lydia, a disabled woman who has been part of the group for several years. Even though she is unable to work and contribute to the group savings, the women offer her support, bring her food and supplies, and keep her company . Kisau Groups are training on how to maintain kitchen gardens, how to manage groups, and how to have sustainable income generating activities. Members who have graduated and have successful farms are sharing their techniques. Kola Under Annah’s leadership, groups are determined to do well and are improving. The cluster trained on virtues such as love and unity as they support each other. Women visited members who have been sick, and they successfully raised enough money to help one member with her hospital bills. Makueni Despite challenges caused by the flooding, the groups in Makueni continue to do well with their income generating projects, including tree nurseries and merry-go-round savings. Twaweza and Aka Oi Women’s Group collaborated with an organization and received sewing machines. They are currently working on an order of 10,000 menstrual pads. Malili A Groups are knitting sweaters, selling liquid soap, and braiding ropes. It has been hard for the groups to sell their products due to the poor economy and transportation challenges caused by the floods. Most members’ chickens were carried away by floodwaters, and the women are struggling to find food. Some children have had to stay home from school because school fees are out of reach. Malili B Groups are crushing ballast and braising sisal ropes, but even motorbikes have been unable to reach the area because roads are washed out. They are waiting for roads to be repaired. One group has been able to go door-to-door reselling fruits and vegetables with some success. Mbooni Group members are working hard to support each other during these trying times. Agnes trained members on how to maintain their gardens during heavy rains. Neema Women’s Group is making bricks so they can build homes for members who lost theirs during the floods. Tulimani Monicah reports that groups are unstable, and women have not been able to make their contributions towards their targets. The torrential rains caused significant damage to crops and roads. “The villages are now repairing slowly by slowly.” Yandue Members of this new cluster are finding success with selling porridge, making jewelry, and constructing beehives. One group received training from the government on painting houses. Mbooni and Yandue clusters met together. Many members are sick, and some are without shelter after floods destroyed their homes. “During our gathering, I encouraged them to be strong when days are dark and also be brave when life gets tough.”
By Laura Milleville July 10, 2024
“My dream has come true.”
By Laura Milleville June 3, 2024
Monicah (Tulimani) – Group reports this month are full of the bad news from the floods – roads and markets closed because of heavy rain, cereal harvest destroyed by rain and worms, and even “poor attendance at meetings because many members cross rivers.” Harvest is anticipated to be poor, too. Sue (Makueni) – A new group, “Petal Sisters,” has started in Makueni, and they are already starting their savings while they are being trained. Rains and flooding really disturb them, however, so that their challenges this month were “sickness and death among members, floods, mud slides and most homes swept away by water and strong winds.” Their training was on leadership and the responsibilities of their group leaders. Agnes (Yandue) – Agnes describes her new cluster thus: “Most of the women are not educated, others don’t go to church, many girls are drop-outs from school.” She asks for prayer that these circumstances would change. They were highly motivated by meeting women from all over PFP at the Work Team marketplace, so she is hopefully to see change. Susan (Kilome) – “Great and very devastating is the floods caused by heavy downpour of rain. Banks overflowed, dams, landslides, farms washed away, and others got leached, falling of houses, dropping of toilets, etc.” Beatrice (Kibwezi) – Beatrice also talks about devastation in her area, and how in their meetings they discuss how to help members’ families when life is lost. They continue to share as they are able, however, Nyota Ndongo women’s group continues to struggle. Agnes (Mbooni) – This area has really struggled with flooding and mudslides because it is hilly. Sue (Kisau) – This cluster is doing well, and with so many groups graduating but wanting to stay involved, so this last months’ strategy was around their targets, meetings and trainings. Annah (Kola) – Our new RPM is reinforcing the skills and IGAs of the current six groups, while looking for new women’s groups to join in Kola. She just trained leaders in writing minutes. Heavy rains have affected the crops, and women are feeling discouraged. Regina (Malili A & B) – Floods are a major problem in Malili, affecting houses, health, markets and movement. She says, “tarmac roads are washed away by heavy rains, no vehicle or motorbike can move.” Women have piles of rope and gravel ready for sale, and no buyers because of the situation. For many IGAs, it’s also too muddy to work, such as collecting stones and casual labor, a main activity in Malili. The group that grows and sells vegetables and fruit had to throw out their rotten produce for lack of sales.
By Laura Milleville May 10, 2024
The community views a single mother in a new light
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