"Before I joined PFP, I was very shy and I did not have any friends in my community. But now I can count many benefits as a member of PFP. For now I can share information, ideas, and learn from one another. I have the spirit of appreciation and generosity, and lastly but not least, I am proud of my achievements." Salome has been in a Path From Poverty women’s group since 2012 and now has two rainwater catchment tanks and a solar panel!
Salome Mutisya - Manee B Women’s Group
“Being in a group has helped me so much. I have learned how to save money, budget, work as a team. I have had exposure and a lot of training. These things have changed my life and that of my family. My husband is very proud of me and has become more supportive. He even goes to fetch water and assists me in house work. I pray that I get the opportunity to reach more women and explain to them the importance of this project.”
Magdalene Ndunge - Kithito kya Kimandi B Women’s Group
Mutheu has walked the path from poverty! She has two rainwater catchment tanks and just received a solar panel gift. “Being in PFP has changed my financial status since I have control over the money I earn. I have also become confident and courageous.”
Mutheu Mutua - Kyakalongo Women’s Group
Alice longed for a rainwater catchment tank for years.
“I never knew it would be possible but through group work, training, and exposure, I am able to save and earn money to pay my target. With this tank I will now get time to start more economic activities, and this will change the financial status of my family. May this project continue so as more women and families will achieve tanks and together we can change our communities and the Ukambani area at large.”
Alice Kivau - Twaweza Women’s Group
Beth already had two rainwater catchment tanks, and she wanted her community to know it when she received a solar panel gift. "I was shouting with a loud voice, so that my community members could hear and come to prove PFP Kenyan women are capable. Why shout? Because my neighbors and community members used to see me as poor, helpless wretches, needing handouts, but for now they have proved that PFP saw me as capable, creative, and amazingly a hard-working woman."
Beth Naive - Ngoo Nzeo Women’s Group
Faith joined PFP Kenya in 2016. She has a business selling vegetables and a poultry farm. "Being in Path From Poverty one experiences a lot of positive change because what you thought you could not achieve you have achieved. You get a change of attitude and feel you are worthy and important. You get new ideas on IGA [Income Generating Activities], financial management, leadership, and family matters."
Faith Mutua - Wumisyo wa Kisau Waia A Women’s Group
When Catherine joined PFP Kenya she wanted a rainwater catchment tank but did not know how to get one! She learned how to start a small business, keep poultry, and improve her farming. "When I joined PFP and I started saving little by little, I came to realize that teamwork is the best, and now we are getting tanks and also training different ways to earn money. I also have people to share our challenges, burdens, and achievements in life."
Catherine Keli - End Thirsty Women’s Group
10016 Edmonds Way, Suite C #268 Edmonds, WA 98020
EIN # 91-2153830
Path From Poverty
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